
Friday, February 20, 2009

Some Days are Better then Others

Hey! It's 02:02 AM you need to get up and out of bed! WAKE UP! It's time to go and workout!
.....but I don't want to, I'm tired!

Like the video "Training Excuses" I too can come up with, oh, a few dozen or so, not so good, excuses on why I should just hit the snooze button and go back to bed.

Have no fear! Excuse Terminator is here!

Don't you wish it was that easy. Well, its not like someone has a gun to your head, do they?

There were 2207 people who started the Ironman Wisconsin race last year, and there were 2207 different reasons why each made the decision to start the Journey to Ironman.

For the 2200+ that signed up this year, they each have their reason. It is for those reasons that we get up early, or stay up late, or skip watching our favorite TV show, or get that run in at lunch time, or not hang out as late with the guys/gals on Friday night. And for most, we knew that the decision to start the journey had consequences and that it would require a complete commitment. Because without that level of dedication, the goal would not be met, our reason would be unjustified. For us, the mantra is evolving from, "I think I can", to "I can do this", to "I must do this". We know that this journey will push us to our limits, limits that have been self-imposed or imposed by others, and we will learn that there really are no limits to what can be achieved. It will be this lesson, above all others we learn along the way, that will redefine who we are, who we can be, and what we will accomplish.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week February 7-14, 2009

I know it’s hard to believe that it is already February, but this Friday is February 6th and is also National “Go Red” Day For Women. Go Red is a national movement by the American Heart Association to raise awareness about the number 1 killer of women - Heart Disease. So get out your red this Friday and support a great cause! Visit for more information.

Not only is “Go Red” Day on February 6th, but all of February is dedicated to heart health as well. Heart Month just so happens to coincide with that holiday of the heart that we all “heart” so much…Valentines Day! So do something for yourself and the ones you love by learning how to be more heart healthy.

Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week February 7-14, 2009

The Congenital Heart Information Network (C.H.I.N.) has an annual campaign to raise awareness about congenital (present at birth) heart defects. According to C.H.I.N., "Few people realize more babies are born with congenital heart defects – approximately 40,000 – than with spina bifida, Down syndrome and hearing loss. Yet, heart defects are sometimes overlooked and not routinely diagnosed in newborns." Many rare disorders present at birth also include heart defects (such as CHARGE syndrome), and sometimes the presence of a heart defect may be key to the diagnosis of a rare disorder.

C.H.I.N. was launched in 1996 as an international non-profit organization that provides reliable information, support services and resources to families of children with congenital and acquired heart disease, adults with congenital heart defects, and the professionals who work with them.

CHD Awareness Week is an annual grassroots campaign that strives to inform the public about Congenital Heart Defects.

In addition to requesting and receiving proclamations from government officials, distributing informational brochures, lobbying efforts, and media interviews, local support groups, national organizations and congenital cardiology centers throughout the world participate by hosting special events and fund raising activities.

Be Involved. Do you believe that you can make a difference in this world? "I Believe"

Join me on my journey to Ironman and help raise awareness about Congenital Heart Defects. Through the Janus Charity Challenge and the Ford Ironman Wisconsin Triathlon, I hope to raise awareness and financial aid to help C.H.I.N. in its mission.

Make a Secure Donation Here