
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

In Honor of Those Who Serve

This year's Ironman Wisconsin race is on Sunday, September 11, 2011, the 10-year anniversary of the 911 attacks on the United States of America.

I dedicate my race this year in honor of all you brave service men and women who have sacrificed so much.

This event, along with just about everything we do in life, is made possible because you protect us and fight for our freedoms. Freedoms that most of us; unfortunately, take for granted.

So as I frolic around Madison this weekend, splashing around in Lake Monona, cycling through the rolling country side of Dane County, and strolling in and around the capital of Wisconsin and the campus of the University of Wisconsin, I do so in your honor. I am truly grateful for all you have given my family and me. Thank You!

I have made a donation to the Fisher House Foundation Fisher House provides military families a 'home away from home' to be close to their loved one during a hospitalization, illness, or injury. Please join me this weekend, reach out, and honor all those who have made your American Life possible!

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