Since this is my first Ironman event everything about it is new for me including the registration process.
When I left for Madison the morning of September 8th to register for the 2009 event, I assumed that registration meant filling out an entry form and paying. What it really meant was that after standing in line for 3-1/2 hours I received an official looking piece of paper with a couple of signatures (mine and the guy behind the desk) stating that I had reserved a spot for the 2009 event and would soon receive an email that would allow me to finalize my entry. It also stated that if I did not receive said email by September 17 to contact: blah blah blah...
So as I drove the 265-miles back home I had mixed feelings and questions. Did this mean I was really reserved a spot? Do they over book the event knowing that some people never complete the process? What if I don't get the email? (thinking back to registration issues at Burrito Union a couple of days before).
Well, on Friday, September 12 around midnight, I did receive said email. The email was from NA sports and contained direction about how to complete the process @ It also stated that I could not complete the process until Monday, September 15 after 6:00 AM PDT. So the questions start again...blah...blah...
So Monday morning finally does arrive and I finally complete my registration for the 2009 event. (A lot of questions on the entry form, medical history, career, other, most not mandatory but makes you wonder).
Anyway, it's official! I can finally say without some lengthy explanation that I'm scheduled to compete in the 2009 Ford Ironman Wisconsin Triathlon.
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