
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All I want for Christmas

Dear Santa,

I’ve been a really good boy this year and I would like the following for Christmas, please.

A TREK TTX 9.5 triathlon bicycle (Catalyst Green) /w ZIPP 404 Clydesdale racing wheels, a Louis Garneau Superleggera Helmet, a pair of Zoot Men's Ultra Race Triathlon Shoes, a pair of Sidi T2.6 Carbon Triathlon Shoes, tri shorts and tops in a variety of colors (black shorts and tops in high visibility colors are my favs), and of course a qualifying time for the Kona Ironman World Championship.

Just a little over the top…please…ya think!

As Christmas approaches and as family members ask the inevitable “what do you want for Christmas?” question, and as I give the usual response of, nothing other then spending time with family and friends, I reflect a little. What do I want for Christmas, really?

Beyond the obvious, especially in the current economic times, of keeping my job and being able provide for my family, and their health and well being. There is something else I’d hope for. To make it through the next 9-months of training injury free and to get to the starting line in Madison in the best shape of my life.

As I embark on my third endurance sport season, staying injury free would be a first. I have yet to make it through a season (all two of them) without some sort of injury that has side tracked my training and/or events. During my first year it was overuse injuries, one early in the spring and one late summer that resulted in about 8-weeks of limited training. Last year it was a lower AB strain, which occurred when playing ultimate Frisbee in Berlin, while catching the winning touchdown no less. Not like it was the super bowl or anything, just a bunch of IT geeks goofing around and enjoying the spring weather. I attempted to run a half-marathon a week later (New Prague) and severely aggravated the injury and ended up missing nearly 6-weeks of training as a result.

Last year I added yoga to my weekly workouts. I’ve been doing fitness yoga now for almost a year and absolutely love it. My flexibility has improved 10-fold and has helped with injury prevention. For this coming year it’s strength training, specifically core strength training that I’ve added into the mix. I’m doing about an hour a week focused on the core. I can’t say I’ve developed the same passion as yoga but I’m hopeful it will help in the injury prevention department.

So Santa, if you can, this is what I’d like for Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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