
Sunday, March 1, 2009

LTF Indoor Triathlon Race Report

The 2009 race season is officially under way! Yeah!

Well, I got up early this morning, (04:00, not really all that early for me). Had a banana, took a shower, used my newly purchased men's body shaver/trimmer...TMI...

I arrived early, it was a beautiful morning, sunny, -19c, a great day for a triathlon!
The water was rough, oh, not really but it makes for a better story...doesn't it?

I was in the first wave, it was a mass start, all ten of us. After the whistle blew I had to sprint and fight my way to the lead...okay Miles, enough, just tell the story already.

Really, this is a great way to start the season off. For me, having an event every four weeks or so keeps me motivated, keeps me focused, and eliminates the monotony that sometime comes with endurance training.

The LTF Indoor Triathlon is a timed event. A 10-minute swim, 30-minute studio cycle ride, followed up by 20-minutes on the tread mill. The transitions are fixed at 10-minutes for T1 and 5-minutes for T2. The event is scored based on how far you go in each discipline and is graded on a curve based on the number of participants. If there are 50 total entries, the person that swims the farthest in 10-minutes gets 50-points and so on.

My only goal was to improve over last year. I'm pretty happy with the results, I was +1 length in the pool, +1.2 miles on the bike, and +.13 miles on the run. I owe the improvement to the group fitness staff at LTF. In the winter, in Minnesota, you end up inside a lot. Endurance training inside can be a tough lonely road. The group fitness staff has been a lot of fun to work with and provide motivation you just cannot get training alone, thanks!

1 comment:

Coach T said...

Congratulations Miles! What a great way to start your 2009 season with an overall win at your first event! GREAT WORK!! Coach T